- Urso.helper - contains a set of helper methods for the convenience of the developer (see src/js/lib/helper.js in the Core repository);
- Urso.observer - provides an event-driven model of the game (see src/js/modules/observer in the Core repository);
- Urso.cache - provides work with loaded resources (see src/js/lib/cache.js in the Core repository);
- Urso.device - contains a set of methods for receiving data from the device on which the game is running (see src/js/lib/device.js in the Core repository);
- Urso.loader - wrapper class over the standard PIXI resource loader (see src/js/lib/loader.js in the Core repository);
- Urso.localData - provides work with local storage inside the game (see src/js/lib/localData.js in the Core repository);
- Urso.assets - contains the logic for working with resource loading (see src/js/modules/assets in the Core repository);
- Urso.logic - contains the logic of event routers (see src/js/modules/logic in the Core repository);
- Urso.objects - the logic for creating scene objects (see src/js/modules/objects in the Core repository);
- Urso.scenes - scene manager responsible for creating, displaying, scene transitions (see src/js/modules/scenes in the Core repository);
- Urso.soundManager - manager for working with sounds (see src/js/modules/soundManager in the Core repository);
- Urso.statesManager - a manager for working states (see src/js/modules/statesManager in the Core repository);
- Urso.template - template engine that provides work with templates (see src/js/modules/template in the Core repository);
- Urso.browserEvents - translator of browser events into the game (see src/js/extra/browserEvents.js in the Core repository);
- Urso.runGame method, in turn, will start loading the default scene using the scene manager.
STATE_NAME : { action: 'action_name' } // the state contains one Action and ends after it ends.
STATE_NAME : { all: [ { action: 'action_0_name' }, { action: 'action_1_name' } ] } // state contains a collection of Action and is completed after all Actions have completed.
STATE_NAME : { race: [ { action: 'action_0_name' }, { action: 'action_1_name' } ] } // the state contains a collection of Action and is completed after any Action has completed and all others have completed via // terminateEvents.
STATE_NAME : { sequence: [ { action: 'action_0_name' }, { action: 'action_1_name' } ] } // the state contains the Action collection and is completed after all Actions are executed one by one
Urso.objects.create( { type: Urso.types.objects.IMAGE, assetKey: assetKey, y: 250 }, someParentObject );